Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Winter Reconstruction work

Work begun on the 28th of October, work is being carried out to holes 2 4 5 & 6 to improve how the holes look and play as well as improving the overall safety of the banks which will in turn improve the quality of turf that we can provide.  The pond that is being built in front of the 2nd hole will not only add a great feature to the hole but will also provide us with the huge amounts of material required to carry out the projects this winter.  This Blog will provide a detailed summary of how the work progress's this winter.

How the green on the 2nd looked before the 28th October

Will you really miss these Bunkers ??

Bunkers that flooded whenever we had more then a few mm of rain, the shape of the bunkers are dated and do not enhance the hole in any way.

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