Tuesday 18 March 2014

Better Bunkers

We are constantly trying to find ways of improving the way our bunkers play.  The biggest issues for us over the past few years has been stones in bunkers and washouts which makes getting consistant bunkers difficult.  We have trialed a method last summer and this year we have enhanced the method and rolled it out to the 6 Bunkers we have reconstructed this winter.

Step 1
Take one hideous bunker that does not drain and start all over again

Step 2 
Reshape the bunker improving aesthetics making it add to the make up of the hole
Step 3 
Install Drainage to a positive outlet and then stone the base follow this with a compactor
Step 4
Install a Mix of permeable Resin and rubber mix that will prevent stones from coming through the surface but will also prevent washdown and sand contamination helping to keep sand levels consistent. 

 Rubber troweled to a uniform depth then it is tampered down to give a smooth finish


Finished product all ready for final shaping & Turfing.  Sand installation will be in early April.

4th & 5th Progressing Jan/Feb2

 5th Green Surround shaping completed by using material from behind the practice green. Initial turfing has also started

 Bunker Base being prepared on the 5th using type 1 granite hardcore.  This is in preparation for the rubber layer being installed in house in March

 4th Green Bunker having the same treatment ready for the rubber picture also shows the turfing completed apart from the actual face which will done once we have completed the rubber installation.  We will also be using different turf on the faces as an experiment that should remain greener during the summer months.

Work Progress Jan/Feb 1

 The Weather was terrible through Jan/Feb however work carried on at a pace

1st Tee had drainage Installed
 2nd was almost completely Turfed
Lely Installed new water fountain in new 2nd Lake concreted to the base so hopefully this one does not disappear.


 New 5th Tee

Drainage installed to the old front tee and new raised Back Tee

5th Green surround and Bunkers Removed ready for new

4th Green Surround Taking Shape 
5th Tee with Rootzone and Irrigation Installed (Giving us an extra 70m2)

 One tired puppy in the office after a hard days watching !!!