Tuesday 3 December 2013

6th Tee Continued

Work has gone well on the 6th with its new irrigation installed last week.
This was followed by the rootzone being spread across both Tees ready for final levelling before turfing in the new year.

Work Continues on the 4th

The 4th is moving forward quickly thanks to the kind weather we have had for a change this last ten days, from the initial topsoil removal we have carried out the following :

Installed over 150 Metres of Drainage around the green included in this are the 2 new bunkers, and removing the need for the existing soakaway

Subsoiled and shaped Two new bunkers followed by topsoiling to a rough grade.  The Bunkers will be much more visable from further down the fairway having the back faces lifted to make the sand higher.

The two new bunkers have had the drainage completed and have been stoned ready for the next part of the work. 

The rest of the banking has been topsoiled ready for final grading before we turf in the New Year

The Banks have been built up considerably to improve the visual appearance of the hole.  It will also allow us to maintain the banking much more easily and safely therefore enabling us to keep a better surface.